Check out the events happening at Umstead Park UCC


View the full church calendar here

Sunday, September 8

9:15 am - Stewardship & Finance Committee

10:30 am - Worship in-person and online - Welcome Back Sunday

11:30 am - Welcome Back - Fall Gathering

11:30 am - Personnel Committee

11:45 am - Youth Group - Youth Room

12:00 pm - Advocacy Taskforce

Monday, September 9

11:00 am - First Feasters - Library

2:00 pm - Staff Meeting - online

6:00 pm - Building & Grounds Committee

Tuesday, September 10

9:00 am - Yard Sale Preparation - Youth Room

6:30 pm - Membership & Publicity Committee Meeting Online - 6:30 pm

Wednesday, September 11

5:30 pm - Fellowship Committee Meeting - Gizmo Brew Works

7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 pm

Thursday - September 12

6:30pm - LGBTQIA+ Advocacy (FIA)

6:35 pm - Durham Bulls game. 15 seats reserved. Cost is $17.50 including taxes. Deadline for the block is Sept 9th at 11:59pm. Purchase tickets here. Questions? Contact David Redd

Friday, September 6

No Events Scheduled

Saturday, September 14

9:00 am -2:00 pm - Yard Sale Drop Off

10:00 am - UPUCC Meditation Group on Zoom. Contact Joanne for more information.


Sunday Worship 10:30 am - In person, and online here

As always, children are welcome in worship. Families come to worship together. After the Children's Moment, children and adult leaders enjoy a brief lesson together then dismiss to build healthy friendships in outdoor play (or indoors, depending on the weather). Youth Group meets most Sundays at 11:45 am.

Adult Education Forums: Most Sundays at 9am in the church library and online - all are welcome!

September 15th - No forum, but please stay after worship to join us in a letter writing campaign related to the upcoming election. 

September 22nd - Issues, Values & the Ballot - What are some constructive ways we can talk to our friends and neighbors about the issues that are important to use in the upcoming election? Join us as we discuss ways to focus on the values behind the issues when we talk about the election.

September 29th - No forum, please join us at the Durham Pride festival!

October 6th - UCC Connections - During the Connections stage of our Transition process, we will be providing opportunities to learn and think about how we would like to be in relationship with the wider UCC.  Please join us for the Forum at 9am on October 6 for an opportunity to engage with Rev. Elizabeth Dilley from the National UCC.  We will learn more about ways we might engage with the national church on issues that are important to us as a congregation and we will hear about updates to the Manual on Local Church.

Join the Forums online here

Saturday Meditation Group online (most) 2nd Saturdays 10 am

Practiced for centuries and is well-known for its many benefits, meditation can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, increase compassion, and more! UPUCC is carrying on this ancient practice- each second Saturday of the month at 10 am, for one hour.  We enjoy this time out from busy-ness to focus and redirect our minds, and invite you to come join us.  Absolutely no experience required.  Contact Joanne Kennedy Frazer if you would like to be part of this monthly group.


If you've missed our virtual worship services, you can find the videos here.